Wilstead Players’ Newsletter – October 2023

It is with sadness I have to report the death of a founder member, Pete Tanswell, his obituary follows, which will also appear in the Wilstead Newsletter. 

Pete Tanswell 1943 -2023

Pete, very sadly passed away recently after various bouts of ill health.  He was a founder member of Wilstead Players in 1971 which was formed after an influx of new young families to the village at the start of the housing boom.

Pete appeared in the very first production in October of 1971 which was the first of many Revues. He followed that by taking the eponymous role of The Pied Piper in our first pantomime.

He served as a committee member for many years and took on the job of Chairman for three terms. He acted, directed, built and painted scenery and stage managed many productions over the years.

He signed the Players up to the nationwide BT Biennial plays which were prestigious events getting us in the national press.  He was instrumental in setting up several Youth Groups and Drama Workshops and entered their plays in various festivals, being awarded Best Director and Best Production at the Bedfordshire and Luton festivals.

More recently he instigated the very popular Murder Mystery Dinner Evenings, devising the plots, writing the characters, producing the evidence and overseeing the whole production, even taking on a role at short notice in the last one.

An Honorary Patron wrote that he was often the driving force in productions. When obstacles cropped up, as they frequently did, nothing would faze him and he would try anything to find a solution.

For ‘services rendered’ Pete was made an Honorary Patron of Wilstead Players in July 2019.

His funeral will take place at Bedford Crematorium on Tuesday, 7th November at 11.30 am.

The many faces of Pete –

Our next production for spring 2024 has yet to be finalised and there will be a production in the autumn.  Not wanting to be boring – please watch this space.

The Committee has been looking ahead to Christmas and having said that, it is not too far away!!  Before Covid, we always met in the foyer of the Village Hall to sing carols, drink mulled wine and eat mince pies.  Last year this tradition was resurrected and there was actually snow on the ground outside.  This year we hope to hold a similar event on Wednesday, 13th December at 7.45 pm.  Look out for confirmation and we hope to see some of you there.

May I remind all recent former members and Patrons that subscriptions and donations are due and that they have not been increased this year.  For all those wishing to renew their Membership, it will be £16.00 for the year and for juveniles, it will be £5.00.  We invite a minimum donation of £25.00 for Patrons.  You can send your subscriptions/donations to our Treasurer, Judy Jacobs, 51 Dines Close, Wilstead, or online – to Wilstead Players; Sort Code, 60-02-42; Account number 62387561.  It would be good if you could let us know when you have made your payment – thank you. 

Colin West
Chairman/Secretary – Wilstead Players
01234 743752

November 2023

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