Wilstead Players Child Protection Policy

Statement of Intent

Wilstead Players recognises that every child, regardless of age, has the right to be protected from risk of significant harm and has the right to feel safe at all times.

The ‘Definition of Significant Harm’ has been taken from the Children Act 1989, PART IV (10).

Where the question ofwhether harm suffered by a child is significant turns on the child’s health and development, his health or development shall be compared with that which could reasonably be expected ofa similar child”

Child Protection Safety Guide- Youth Organisations

All organisations that work with young people aged 0— 18 years of age, MUST hold a Child Protection Policy and therefore should work to the policy guidelines for the protection of the organisation, staff members and the young of whom they work with.

Responding to Child Abuse

It is possible to reduce situations for the abuse of children by promoting good practice.

Responding to child abuse:

  • Child Abuse can be interpreted as not taking action to protect a child you believe to be at risk of SIGNIFICANT HARM.
  • It is not your responsibility to decide if child abuse has occurred, however it is your responsibility to take action regardless of how small your concern.
  • A designated committee member will take responsibility for seeking any additional advice for contacting Social Services Department, and the police. The agency receiving the referral will take responsibility for ensuring that the appropriate investigation is undertaken and the child protected.

Child Abuse

Child abuse is divided into 4 Categories, these are:

Emotional abuse — is when a child is made to feel unloved, inadequate, stupid, frightened, threatened or blamed deliberately by an adult or another young person. Another form of emotional abuse is when an adult or another young person puts a child at risk of danger. A child may have higher expectations put upon him/her than is appropriate to his/her age. All other forms of abuse involve an element of emotional ill treatment.

Physical abuse — is when a child is hit, shaken, thrown, poisoned, scalded, burnt, drowned, suffocated or such by an adult or another young person, which causes physical harm to a child. Physical abuse is also the failure to prevent actual or likely physical harm to a child by failing to report actual or likely abuse. A worker suspecting actual or likely abuse does have a duty of care to report any suspicions by following the appropriate sequence referral.

Neglect — is when a child’s basic needs are not met. That is, the child is not given the right food, drink, shelter, clothing warmth or hygiene, which results in the child’s health and development being impaired. Neglect is also the failure to protect a child from danger. Neglect is also psychological, when a child’s basic emotional and educational needs are not met.

Sexual abuse — Which can include non-contact activities, when a child is shown photographs or other images depicting sexual content inappropriate to the child’s age and understanding by an adult or another young person. Sexual abuse is when a child is forced to watch pornography or sexual activity. Sexual abuse can be when sexual suggestions or gestures are made to a child, inappropriate to the child’s age and understanding by an adult or another young person. Physical sexual abuse is when a child is forced or enticed into sexual behaviour by an adult or another young person. This includes touching and non-penetrative contact as well as penetrative sexual acts.

Parent/Guardian Consent Form



Full Postal Address

Date of BirthAge

Home Telephone Number

Emergency Contact Number

Does the child/Young person suffer from any medical conditions which might effect him/her, while taking part in activities or while away from home? If yes, please supply full details including appropriate treatment and medication

Doctors nameTel

Doctors Address

Dietary Requirements

Permission for treatment if required.           YES NO


being the parent/guardian of the above named child/young person hereby consent to him/her taking part in –

Signed (Parent/Guardian)


We will also be videoing and taking photos I give my permission YES              NO

I have read and understood the codes of conduct and agree to abide by them.

Signed (Young person)


Children’s Image Procedure.


Increasingly, technology is making it easier to use pictures and images in printed materials or on the web. Along with this increased freedom comes the responsibility to protect vulnerable individuals from exploitation.

This has become a complicated area and these notes are designed to help employees. Whilst we have tried to cover most areas there may still be other situations that have not been addressed. Throughout the document, photographs (both digital and film) and video are referred to as ‘images’.

Why is this document being issued?

This document is primarily being issued to ensure that neither Wilstead Players nor individuals leave themselves open to litigation regarding the misuse of images.


Ensure you have permission to use all images that you are including in your publication or on the web. Use pictures that are in a different context from that for which they were originally created.  
Ensure you have signed consent forms for any new images you have taken. Take pictures that could be construed as being provocative in any way.  
Always use library images for controversial subject areas, e.g. drug abuse, domestic violence etc. Assume that verbal consent for an image is sufficient. You should always get a signed consent form showing the image to which the consent refers  
Ensure you have consent to take pictures before actually taking them. Use any picture for which you are unsure you have consent or you do not know why it was originally taken  

The code Practice lor Wilstead Players

Responsibilities to Younq People:

  • To recognise and be aware of your own power, influence, values and beliefs and not impose these on young people or to use them for personal gain;

 To be aware of and establish between professional and personal relationships with young people;

  • Not to encourage or enter into any form of intimation or sexual relationship with a young person or group of young people;
  • To avoid putting your own needs above those of the youngpeople you are working with;
  • To be aware of the impact and appropriateness of your verbal and nonverbal communications with young people, eg. Use of language and physical contact.
  • Not to use illegal drugs prior to or when working with young people in cerire or school-based, detached or residential settings;
  • Not to be under the influence of alcohol prior to or working with young people irthe Centre or/ any other venue;
  • To work in a norydiscriminatory way in line with current Equal Opportunities Policy did to challenge racial, sexual, homophobic or other forms of harassment of young people;

                     To be aware of and keep up to date with appropriate legislation as it affects young people;

              To be aware of and use support services in order to provide high quality                  

                   To work towards the empowerment and independence of young people;

  • To ensure the Health and Safety of young people at all times and to keep up to date with Health and Safety Guidelines and Procedures;

            To Listen to young people’s concerns and advoæte on their behalf, where appropriate;

       To be clear about your responsibilities in relation to child protection and criminal acts in line with Government legislation and Council guidelines.

  • To be clear about appropriate use of physical restraint and handhg o y%ng people in line with the Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) and Council guidelines.

Responsibilities to Colleaques

  • To develop effective working relationships with colleagues including clear channels of communication;
  • To provide suwort for colleagues, particularly to share information and knowledge, as relevant, eg. Good practice;
  • To respect and maintain professional confidentiality as appropriate and to share information colleagues as appropriate, egg Concerning a young person               in danger;                  To value and respect your colleagues and adhere to the equal opportunities policy;
  • To be aware of the need to maintain clear boundaries in your professional and social relationships, particularly relating to confidentiality, and the impat which poor boundaries management can have on service delivery;
  • To be on time for meetings, conferences and appointments with colleagues,

Responsibilities to yourself:

              To minimise unnecessary risk to yourself from violence, abuse or accusations of misonduct;

              To be responsible for your time management, starting and finishing on time;

             To use your time effectively, prioritising, forward planning knowing when to say no:

  • To be accountable for and accept responsbility for your own actions;

       To be aware of ymr strengths, weaknesses, limitations and competencies and to seek help and support.

Responsibilities of young people:

                To have respect for each other at all times;

  • To have respect for each other’s belongings at all times;
  • To listen to responsible adult at all times;
  • To be responsible for feeling safe and making others feel safe:

 Not to consume alcohol if you are under 18 or to encourage under 18s to consume alcohol;  To be on time when required,

  • Not to smoke if you are under 16 or encourage under 16s to gnoke;
  • To, if you are over 16, not smoke whilst with under lbs or to encourage anyone over 16 to smoke whilst with under IBS;

                     Never carry weapons, ag. Knives, bats, etc.

Declaration Form for Wilstead Players

Read the Wilstead complete policy and all attached information before signing the staff declaration.

I have read the complete Wilstead Child Protection Policy and all attached information and I understand its contents.

I agree to work to the Wilstead Child Protection Policy and accept responsibility for my actions if I breach the policy and its contents.

By signing the Wilstead Child Protection Policy declaration, you will agree to work to the organisation ‘s policy and accept all consequencesfor breach of the policy.

Ifyou have any queries or questions regarding the Wilstead policy, please speak to a member ofManagement team before signing the Declaration

Date: Name: Job Title: ChildProtectionTrained Signature: