Wilstead Players’ Newsletter – July 2023

This Newsletter will be taking a different stance as it will not be a feature in the Wilstead Newsletter distributed to every house in Wilstead.  I will be forwarding it to our Patrons, Members and Friends of Wilstead Players.

I hope you are all making the most of the summer with its strange weather behaviour and, possibly getting away to more foreign climes, but not Greece, Spain and Italy!!  Whatever, I hope you are able to enjoy yourselves.

We have held our first Committee Meeting since the Annual General Meeting and guess what?  I am after your money – surprise, surprise!!

All subscriptions are now due and that is including Patrons’ donations.  Some good news is that they have not gone up this year!  For all those wishing to renew their Membership, it will be £16.00 for the year and for juveniles, it will be £5.00.  We invite a minimum donation of £25.00 for Patrons.  You can send your subscriptions/donations to our Treasurer, Judy Jacobs, 51 Dines Close, Wilstead, or online – to Wilstead Players; Sort Code, 60-02-42; Account number 62387561.  It would be good if you could let us know when you have made your payment – thank you. 

Our annual summer BBQ will be held on Sunday, 20th August at 1.00 pm at the usual venue, the garden of 19 Luton Road, Wilstead by courtesy of Chris and Mark Haines.  The cost will be Patrons, £6.00; Members, £8.00 and £10.00 for others – non-Members.  But, please, bring your own drink.

If you are thinking of coming to this event, which always promises to be a good afternoon out and we are always hopeful of good weather, please let Judy Jacobs know by Monday, 14th August with your money, preferably cash.  Judy’s address is in a previous paragraph.  Hope to see some of you there.

I have been promising in previous Newsletters, news of our future productions.  Just when I thought we were getting somewhere, one of our directors has been rather incapacitated of late.  However, unfortunately, we will not be performing this year, but it is hoped to have our read-throughs, auditions and to have the plays cast by Christmas, ready to perform in the spring.  I say plays as we are proposing to perform two one-act plays, which hopefully will accommodate a few more actors as I am confident we have a merry little band out there ready to ‘tread the boards’.

An autumn production in 2024  is looking promising.

As I have said before, watch this space and keep reading the Newsletters.

Colin West

Chairman/Secretary – Wilstead Players

01234 743752


July 2023

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