August 2022 Newsletter

Five writers of Crime Thrillers meet for their annual awards evening, hoping to receive the prestigious prize, but tensions arise and the reality becomes worthy of one of their fictions. The plot thickens…

Our Murder Mystery, ‘You’re Dead, Write’, is planned for Friday and Saturday, 21st and 22nd October at 7.30pm in the Village Hall.

As before, a dinner will be served at tables of six, consisting of a starter, main course, dessert and tea or coffee and the action will take place in the Hall and on the stage. The audience will be invited to follow the plot as it unfolds and to make a guess as to “whodunnit” and their motive and method used in the fatal act. Tickets will cost £15.00 each.

The Box Office, 14 Armstrong Close – Bedford 740782 – will open for Patrons only on Wednesday, 21st September and for the general public from Friday, 23rd September.

These evenings have always been very popular in the past, so please make a note of the dates and come along to play detective!

Colin West

Chairman/Secretary – Wilstead Players

01234 743752

August 2022

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